The Celestials

I will not endeavor to offer the detailed origins of the Celestials, nor even, in fact, to list them in great detail, but rather, offer only their general families, and examples of races within those factions. The Celestials are typified by their relation to the flow of Primal Chaos, and their regard for one another, and to some lesser degree, the nature of the sub-Celestials which sprang from their couplings, or from their physical substance.

Angelics: Beings which fear or loathe the Chaos, which strive to limit it's flow through their abilities. Angelics typically hold with the belief in a Creator-Consciousness, with which they perpetually attempt to commune.  (There is no evidence that they have succeeded in doing so, despite their assurances to the contrary.) Those creatures which Humankind have dubbed "angels", and their kin, which are, by those same humans, usually believed to be creatures of unearthly Good- This is a fallacy. Angelics are creatures of Order, who loathe the very substance from which they themselves in some manner once sprang. While typically, they believe that much of what humankind would call "good" is also orderly, and opposed to the Primal Chaos, they have in their long war become accustomed to brutality, and are often utterly ruthless in their dealings with any they consider "tainted". While they do not deny their origins in the Primal Chaos, they assert a grand philosophy of eternal Penance, and have faith that the only way to maintain the balance and avert the return of absolute entropy is to oppose the vast power of the Chaos unrelentingly. Among their kind are numbered Seraphs, Deva, and the Cherubim, among many others. It is uncertain whether the Angelics have given life to any sub-celestial beings, though many speculate that Humankind had Angelic origins. The Angelics themselves deny this, although they seem to foster humankind with a greater patience than any non-Angelic species.

Demonics: Beings which hold firmly to the belief in self-origin, and in absolute sovereignty of self, and in survival of the fittest, and to the victor, the spoils. Demonics shape and wield the Chaos as a force, and the Chaos shapes them in return. Like Angelics, they have been completely misunderstood by the few humans who have had the misfortune to encounter them. Their appearance is often warped both by the Chaos, and by their own efforts, as many of them find great advantage in an ever-more-intimidating and horrifying visage. Overall, oppression and enslavement or utter destruction of any who oppose them is a part of their core philosophy that their power and strength were what shattered the Entropic silence, and that the Primal Chaos, flowing free, are what shall hold that silence forever at bay. No rational scientific explanation of the nature of Chaos and it's relation to Entropy has yet managed to convince them of the folly of such a belief- though it would be folly as well to believe Demonics on the whole to be ignorant. Like the Angelics... they suffer a bitter blind-spot.

Technically, Diabolics should be considered a sub-Celestial race, since their numbers consist of both Angelic and Demonic bloods. They are more faction than family, even more so than the others, since it is exclusively their philosophy which divides them from their progenitors. A Demonic may come to see through the fallacy of the Demonic understanding of Chaos, but even should such a being embrace fully the Angelic beliefs, they can never step fully into the Angelic sphere- they would be refused at best, or, more frequently, brutally slaughtered. Embittered by this understanding, or simply denying both spheres' beliefs, they maintain their strength, and seek to contain the Chaos, and to wield it with ever-greater precision toward their personal objective, most commonly, dominion over Angelics and Demonics alike. Angelics too are found among the Diabolics- Those who found no grace in their brethren's doctrine, those who are too weak in spirit to uphold it, those who are lured by the Diabolic perception of power through discipline and control...

Musidae: Muses generally fall into none of these categories, for various obvious reasons- they are unwelcome and even reviled by the angelics as Chaos-Tainted, while their tendency toward nurture and symbiosis offend most demons, who perceive them as fragile and weak. Both demonic and diabolic entities are inclined to manipulate the musidae, employing them as pawns, lab rats, and sometimes simply entertainment. Some find all dealings with them distasteful, while others have become increasingly adept in their understanding and manipulation of muses.  

On the subject of deities: The concept of Godhood is both simple in it's principle and sometimes mind-bogglingly complex in it's application. Any celestial being might engage in deification, which is the practice of revealing themselves to a select group or culture of mortals in order to generate and essentially stockpile great quantities of channeled creative force, in the form of Faith. In rare instances, the celestial involved in the deification has gone mad, and truly believes in their own omni-sentience, but in most cases, the practice is either strategic or simply self-indulgent. Some would argue (reasonably) that angelics practice an ongoing deification, though this too, they would deny. Likewise, the musidae have been subject to an inadvertant deification, by some mortals to whom they unwisely chose to reveal their true natures. If there is, as the angelics purport, an omniscient Creator-Consciousness, that entity has yet to reveal itself to any other celestial faction.

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