The Sub-Celestial Races

Sub-celestial races are those which sprang directly from some action or interaction of the celestials, although in almost every case, the actual nature of that creation is unknown. It is almost a certainty that the nature of such co-minglings were as diverse as the entities which sprang therefrom, whether the simplicity of sexual union, the complexity of chemical and genetic engineering, or the esoteric realms of mystical intervention. These beings are mostly terrestrial, and often immortal in some limited manner. Generally, they are gifted with other abilities (and vulnerabilities) as well, and most are only known to Humankind as mythical beings, if at all.

The Fey: Fey are kin in some way to muses, who are often drawn to these virtual rivers of Primal Chaos. Some celestial scholars have speculated that the fey were the result of a mingling of muse with mortal, though this is unlikely, as the antiquity of these species almost certainly predates mortal humanity. A more likely theory is that of a co-mingling of muse with diabolic, both angelic and demonic, which would explain their diversity, as well as their varied philosophical status.  


(The beings which are referred to in Celtic mythology as "Unseelie" fey may in fact be some diabolic/demonic branch, or possibly a result of some magical conferance betwixt muse or fey and beings of undead origin.)

The Undead: These beings are the unquestioned result of a hostile mingling of muse and demon, though the precise nature of their individual and collective curses is uncertain. Some believe that these beings' need to fuel themselves with stolen mortal lifeforce was a deliberate parody of the muses' own need to draw upon the inherent Chaos of others. The violence, rage, and madness which follows and surrounds these beings is as magnetic to muses as is the wild glamour of the fey, and many a muse has been drawn into a brutal and potentially self-destructive dance with such entities. Likewise, the vibrance of a muse's lifeforce is a powerful lure to the undead, who can become entranced and even addicted to the blood and spirit of the muse, which are as limitless as the very wellspring of Creation itself, and can never be drained into death.

-Ghasts & Ghouls

Sorcerers: Technically, such beings would comprise a sub-sub-category, for they are in fact not celestials at all, but mortals who have become aware, to varying degrees, of celestial forces, and of some means of harnessing and focusing the Primal Chaos. The various "species" in fact, reflect a vaguely distorted view of the celestial factions and agendas. Those who have become aware of celestial forces, but do not attempt to manipulate them are sometimes refered to as "awakened".


Magical Beasts: Each of these creatures could easily comprise an entire category of its own. Their origins are even more uncertain than the veiled histories of the other subraces. I include here all those who do not fall easily into any other category. Some may in fact be fully celestial, but as generally, they do not directly involve themselves in the Chaos War, this is difficult to ascertain.


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